I love julia, I really do. It has a great syntax and is extremely fast compared to other languages with such a high level syntax.
But the main complaint I see and completely agree is that it feels very slow. You want to import the plotting library? Write 'using Plots' and wait 3 minutes. You want to use a function just once? Too bad, you wait 10 times the amount of time you would wait if you ran that in python (If you run the function again, it is almost instant since it is now compiled).
I get this is what allows Julia to be such an effective language but there still is a lot of room for improvement. But for those of you that are interested in it, give it a try and you will enjoy how powerful the language is. For example you can have hundreds of lines of complex algebra functions and by just adding a line to the top like 'input = gpuarray(input)' and now all your code is 100 times faster because it magically runs on your gpu. Another favorite feature for me is function broadcasting. Simple example 'lowercase(x)' gives lowercase version of string x. You have a matrix of strings that you want to lowercase? Simply write 'lowercase.(s_matrix)' These features and excellent packages that provide parallelization makes an excellent language. I mostly use Julia for computation heavy tasks, if the compilation times were reduced it would be my go to language for all kinds of tasks.
One immediate solution is to use PackageCompiler.jl [2] to build a Julia image that includes a pre-compiled version of the slow code (packages).