Another week, another submission that hopefully edges more people towards realizing that they've just created an under-standardized, under-powered SQL-with-braackets that forces you to bring your own query optimizer, and eschews the advancements of Swagger/OpenAPI, JSONSchema, HAL, JSON-LD and the flexibility of HATEOAS.

All for a little bit of a velocity gain from declarative syntax and horizontal/vertical filtering.

This code is probably very useful to the people who made it and those in the GraphQL+Swift ecosystem, but we were already here (and just starting to get drastically better) with OpenAPI -- it's not like all the effort is only going in one direction but GraphQL really feels like a less-than-optimal branch.

The final piece of the puzzle for me will be when someone starts to replace the dynamic properties of the more advanced REST-ful techniques (API discovery, link following, etc) in GraphQL. Then the circle will be complete -- we'll have rebuilt XML (in the "linked data" respect anyway, not so much the accidental complexity side) and it's related standards twice in under ~20 years.

I don’t really think of GraphQL as a data querying language like SQL.

I think of it as a domain querying language.

SQL is meant to allow you to write queries to your data model which are:

- arbitrary, and

- efficient

I don’t think of GraphQL that way. I think of it as the place where you encode your set of valid domain actions (i.e. not arbitrary). And I don’t think the consumers of the GraphQL API should think about efficiency. They should just specify what data they need and then the backend is responsible for figuring out how to query the data model efficiently.

In other words, I don’t really see any overlap between GraphQL and SQL in terms of the role they play in a stack.

One helpful thing this distinction allows, is type inference. You can trivially write a type generator that gives you the type signature of a GraphQL query in any language. This is precisely because of its limitations. That allows you to automate the validation of your frontend and backend speaking the same language.

You can’t easily infer the return types of arbitrary SQL queries. To me, that highlights the different purposes of the languages.

If we consider GraphQL to be a domain querying language, what have we gained over REST? You are free to model endpoints in REST according to your domain (and deal with complexity behind the facade), and I'd argue that REST can offer an even more ergonomic DSL interface if you just write whatever you want (s-expressions, let's say) and pass them to some POST endpoint that reads your DSL and parses it. If the idea of writing the DSL and POSTing it, parsing it, and doing the very specific logic you want sounds wrong to you, it seems like GraphQL should also similarly wrong. If it sounds good to you, then is GraphQL far enough?

> I don’t think of GraphQL that way. I think of it as the place where you encode your set of valid domain actions (i.e. not arbitrary). And I don’t think the consumers of the GraphQL API should think about efficiency. They should just specify what data they need and then the backend is responsible for figuring out how to query the data model efficiently.

This is how SQL works, so there is some overlap there. Optimizing SQL queries is might be a performance-seeking operation, but SQL is declarative, and it is left largely to the query optimizer to make your queries run fast. You can help the query optimizer make the query run fast, but that's all you can do -- and I can guarantee you that doing query optimization has not gone away due to GraphQL, you've just pushed the problem somewhere else, or you're forgetting the bits of your API that you've modeled awkwardly in order to avoid performance degradation/difficult-to-write resolvers.

But I think we're a bit off-track here -- GraphQL and REST is at a different level of abstraction than SQL. My point is that we've taken a step back from what we had already with REST rather than that people should be using SQL on the front-end. I think GraphQL is doomed to attempt to reach expressive parity with SQL but that's another conversation all-together.

> One helpful thing this distinction allows, is type inference. You can trivially write a type generator that gives you the type signature of a GraphQL query in any language. This is precisely because of its limitations. That allows you to automate the validation of your frontend and backend speaking the same language. > > You can’t easily infer the return types of arbitrary SQL queries. To me, that highlights the different purposes of the languages.

Most sufficiently ORMs can also give you this, and in other languages there are libraries that will compile-time-check the arbitrary SQL queries you write and won't compile if they're invalid. What you need to have that kind of thing work is sufficient type-checking power (Typescript offers this) and sufficiently rich metadata (there are some examples in the haskell[0] and rust[1] worlds). It wasn't necessary to throw away REST to get these kinds of benefits. I've been quite happy with TypeORM for example, and it would form a good base for this kind of effort -- I don't know a library that's already doing it, but this actually isn't as hard as you think, especially for the simple case.

I'd argue that there is no difference (without too much evidence, to be fair, as I am not an expert in inner working of GraphQL) in the difficulty or parsing and validating a GraphQL query for the simple case (i.e. the actual subset of SQL that GraphQL represents) than actual SQL.

