It's a shame the article ends with "So as usual, consider not writing Ruby, but if you do, ...". That's worthless advice and many people, myself included, have Ruby as their most beloved programming language.

There is a gap between languages at the moment imo. Ruby is just ruthlessly productive.

Compare with

Hoping new age compiled languages like Crystal & Nim fill the gap of performance, types & productivity. But compile speeds need to be factored in.

Is Ruby "ruthlessly productive" for building a fast, highly concurrent program that can be deployed to X platforms with minimal fuss? No.

Is Golang "ruthlessly productive" for interfacing with complex relational databases? No, not even with generics.

Tradeoffs, every language has 'em.

What mainstream programming language is good for interfacing with complex relational databases?

Rust is getting there, with sqlx[0] you can write plain sql and it gets validated at compile time.
