One way to reduce compute costs significantly is by using a much lighter stack. Typical deployments to the cloud are based on the traditional OS model, and more often than not are a container-in-a-VM solution to deploy some service. The reality here is that there is so much unused, unnecessary and wasted compute resources. Why deploy a full OS and kernel which will only ever serve static web content, for example. And then there's the attack surface that comes with a full OS, running additional services like SSH which may only ever be used once.
Major vendors like Amazon and Google are happy to provide this to anyone and with simple on-boarding, but, as is clear in the article, it's expensive. With Unikraft[0], you can completely re-package your application as a unikernel, automatically. It's a single VM image and does nothing more than just running the application. It boots straight to the main application, it doesn't have a shell, and has nothing else running along side it. The result is a huge cost saving (up to 50%), since you're no longer having to pay for these extra resources just to run the a full traditional OS image plus your application.
50% compared to what? AWS EC2? Lambda? Google Cloud Run?
Those sort of numbers without even having a pricing page give me 0 confidence sorry.
One example of recieving a 50% cost saving is from Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). We compared the cheapest official NGINX AMI available on the Amazon Marketplace[0] and then also ran an NGINX+Unikraft AMI. We ran the same workload using wrk[1] and then checked the bill at the end of the month, roughly $80 vs $40.