I'm on a POC project that's using PostgREST and it's been extremely fast to get a big complicated data model working with an API in front of it. But I guess I don't get how to really use this thing in reality? What does devops look like? Do you have sophisticated db migrations with every deploy? Is all the SQL in version control?

I also don't really get where the users get created in postgres that have all the row-level permissions. The docs are all about auth for users that are already in there.

In Supabase we use a separate Auth server [0]. This stores the user in an `auth` schema, and these users can login to receive a JWT. Inside the JWT is a "role", which is, in fact, a PostgreSQL role ("authenticated") that has certain grants associated to it, and the user ID (a UUID).

Inside your RLS Policies you can use anything stored inside the JWT. My cofounder made a video [1] on this which is quite concise. Our way of handling this is just an extension of the PostgREST Auth recommendations: https://postgrest.org/en/v9.0/auth.html

[0] Auth server: https://github.com/supabase/gotrue

[1] RLS Video: https://supabase.com/docs/learn/auth-deep-dive/auth-row-leve...