This is the second IDE announcement on the front page in 2 days (the other one being PyCharm).
So far I have resisted the temptation to use an IDE. Whenever I thought I needed a feature from an IDE, I investigated how to achieve it in Vim. I've become a reasonably advanced Vim user, and I feel very productive in it.
Am I a dinosaur on its way to extinction? Or can none of these new IDEs match the power of Vim?
On the other hand, does an IDE add that much value to python and clojure? For Java, I can see the benefits, but given that these scripting languages are much more lightweight, that's why emacs/vim do alright for them?
I can't speak to a feature to feature comparison, but heres some key features you get with counterclockwise.
Automatching parens (parenedit?), rainbow parens if you want, a built in repl, and after your repl is started for the namespace you are currently editing, auto suggest for any namespace in dependency graph. Viewing any included namespace code is simple as a double click - very helpful for learning clojure. Edit the file and after a key combo, your repl has your new function definition.
Counterclockwises workflow is pretty nice. I like it. I don't even have to go to command line to update deps, just edit project file and right click update dependencies. The only thing I use the command line for currently is lein ring server.
Eclipse has the concept of templates which you can define for other content types, but CC's editor isn't enabled to use them. I sort of missed them at first, but didn't after I realized anything I would put into a template should probably be a macro in clojure.