I've read On Lisp by pg, and I'm passionate about using emacs (still depend too much on vim for productivity), so I'd love to start using Lisp-y languages everywhere. But it seems it's not main-stream [1] enough to have tons of tutorials, books, tools, employees that would appreciate it.. yet.
But I'm getting more hopeful every time I see a new post surface with a new language or tool that is lisp-y.
Btw, this is not the first time I'm wondering this, but could I start using something like ClojureScript instead of Javascript and be able to use the libraries I currently use, like I would with coffeescript?
[1]: No something does not have to be main-stream or widely used/acknowledged as good to be good, but you can't deny it helps. I just don't want to spend my time learning something that could become obsolete, (in the eyes of coworkers/employers!)
Also, this might be useful: