I beg of you, please reconsider the SSO tax (https://sso.tax/). This is becoming a big pain point for small orgs trying to become compliant that a small change like this can be huge in decision making. If I look at Pipedream, Airplane, Temporal, and Retool none of them will even list pricing if I need SSO, I'm suddenly a 40 person company with "Enterprise" needs. If you want an easy differentiator, including SSO in your Team tier is a simple way to do that.

If I as a SaaS provider get my SSO SAML integration via a provider like Okta or Auth0, the auth provider pricing itself is also on a "call us" tier, with a per-federation pricing in the low four figures for each individual company connecting to me via SAML.

It's pretty insane, so I'll state it again: To have a company connect to my SaaS via SAML, I as the SaaS provider have to pay my auth provider $X,000 per year for the privilege. Not counting the base enterprise tier pricing for the auth solution itself. So then I have to roll my own solution if I want to provide it for free, and I get the joy of supporting the long tail of broken SAML implementations on both the service and identity provider sides. For free. In a perfect world SSO wouldn't be a shitshow and everyone could have it for free, unfortunately that is not this world.

Plugging in my startup BoxyHQ here. This is the reason why we open sourced our SAML integration - https://github.com/boxyhq/jackson, it should be commodity.