I've tried to use AoC and Project Euler to learn k, but I've given up in the past because there are multiple versions of k interpreters & tutorials out there with subtly different language behavior. And running code from one version of the language in another interpreter results in obscure errors or crashes.

It would be nice if this repo specified the exact binaries used so that the results would be reproducible.

There's only one Q.

Open source K is likely compatible with ngn/k or oK, both of which are based on k6. There are minor differences between these 2 implementations (one is browser-native, the other isn't) but for the most part code should work identically on both.

Q: https://code.kx.com/q/

ngn/k: https://codeberg.org/ngn/k

oK: https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok/