> For this to work you want to be able to generate a key in hardware (so it can't just be copied elsewhere if the machine is compromised), prove to a remote site that it's generated in hardware (so the remote site isn't confused about what security assertions you're making), and tie use of that key to the user being physically present (which may range from "I touched this object" to "I presented biometric evidence of identity").

On a practical level I think this attitude has held security back for years.

WebAuthn's killer feature is that it stops most phishing cold. Not OAuth phishing, not more exotic approaches that involve e.g. DNS hijacking, but nearly all of what's out there today. And it doesn't need TPMs or attestation or user presence tests for that. Those features are for malware.

Shielding the keys from malware is all well and good, but it's a fine line between stealing the keys used to authenticate and stealing the authenticated session or access token after the user logs in. You can stop the malware from authenticating, but not from accessing. Is this really worth the loss in usability?

Hopefully passkeys get good enough to finally take WebAuthn mainstream, because it's not likely to happen with hardware. I still have Yubikeys for critical production systems, but a couple years ago I started using a virtual USB driver (or HID gadget on Linux) to do the rest through client code. It's all software, the keys are backed up, and I can easily move between computers.

If they'd just started with software half the business world would've adopted this stuff by now.

Which tool are you using for the virtual USB driver? The only one I know about is virtual-fido:


It's been a few years, but the main references I remember using:

1. Windows: https://github.com/frankmorgner/vsmartcard/tree/master/virtu..., which is a fix-up of the older https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/134010/An-UMDF-Driver-f..., and https://github.com/Watfaq/SoftU2F-Win/tree/master/SoftU2FDri.... Note that neither of these actually implement CTAP2.

2. Linux: There's plenty to refer to on HID gadgets, but https://blog.hansenpartnership.com/webauthn-in-linux-with-a-... and the code at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jejb/fido2-c... were my entrypoint and cover the whole idea of WebAuthn in software.

3. Mac: I ended up not implementing a Mac version, but GitHub themselves used to support a CTAP1/U2F software authenticator, now archived at https://github.com/github/SoftU2F. I was going to work from that.

For the service I looked at different software "devices" interfacing with these kinds of drivers (or just the browser directly in Firefox's case).

1. Generic NIST SP 800-73 PIV: https://github.com/CCob/PIVert. Very limited scope, pentest tool with no extraneous features. It uses the BixVReader driver.

2. U2F: Just the corresponding driver repos I think.

3. CTAP2: Firefox Soft Token code, https://github.com/ellerh/softfido, https://github.com/bulwarkid/virtual-fido (the one you found).