As a power user, I hope this doesn't ship with ads and telemetry enabled. It's things like that that pushed me away from windows and towards Linux. If Microsoft had never participated in the NSA PRISM program I would have never decided to "just try this Linux thing out" and I'd probably still be a windows user.

I think at this point they'll have to do more than get rid of ads and telemetry to get me (and others) to switch back. Linux turned out to be much more stable than Windows for me, and after experiencing package management and sane update policies I can't go back to an OS that won't even let me use it while it's installing updates.

When I sit and try to make a list of reasons to use Windows it seems to come down to program compatibility and not operating system quality. Instead of trapping people on an OS because of vendor lock-in, try improving core parts of the OS to make it worth using.

As a power user, I run a PS script once, at install, to remove ads, telemetry, and other annoyances, as I did with Win7.

So it has become quite a bit harder to do this, as the package names have changed in Win10 and some of the commands in the 1st PS script I found do not work anymore to remove the "updated" packages. No, I cannot think of an example off the top of my head. Also there are reports of some the "features" coming back after updates, etc. I have had to delete all the tiles on the start menu by hand. OneDrive is still in your face on most systems, etc.

MS is making it quite hard to just cleanly remove the crap / adware / telemetry they build in.

If you have a script that works well would you please mind sharing it with the rest of us.

The only place I have Windows 10 is on my Intel Compute keys for the media center running Kodi. One of these days I will get around to trying to get Linux to run on those devices.

>as the package names have changed in Win10

Yes, you need a different script for 7 than 10

>some of the commands in the 1st PS script I found do not work anymore

use an updated script

>here are reports of some the "features" coming back after updates

That was once, it has been patched

>OneDrive is still in your face on most systems

Yes, my script (and most clones of it) remove it

>MS is making it quite hard to just cleanly remove the crap / adware / telemetry they build in

No, it's quite easy, I run one script once at install. That's the point.

>If you have a script that works well would you please mind sharing it with the rest of us.

Tron is probably the most comprehensive, personally I just use a modified version of Debloat: