The Mac platform is comatose and we all know it. The author is dead right with his points. I switched to Mac about 10 years ago and was blown away by how amazing it was. A year ago I got a Windows machine at work. At first I was horrified by the idea but Windows has come so far in the last few years. It’s a perfectly fine platform now and has largely caught up.

The issue with Windows is the telemetry. You simply cannot disable it. Yes, you can waste time ticking everything off, but with the next update, it's back again. No, thank you.

I want to use an operating system that respects my privacy. For me, this is OpenBSD, FreeBSD, or Fedora/Debian Linux.

I use Windows at work, too, and am horrified daily by how utterly difficult it is to use compared to Linux or FreeBSD.

I personally haven't had an issue with disabling telemetry. Also, stumbled upon this a while back (maybe worth checking out):