I find it strange to live in a time when tech people trust MS more than Google, it could be because we think differently about the importance of information tracking, and this is coming from someone that for the past 15 years has used only private/incognito browsers (was a lot of fun back in when Flash was popular and had to manually remove its cookies directory after every session), doesn't have a facebook account, doesn't use social media. But here's something to think about, MS is in a position where they're making a lot of money from closed source software products where a good free open source equivalent would be a direct attack on that revenue stream, which means, there can be many potential conflicts of interest with owning something like GitHub. What do you think would happen in the following scenarios:

- a researcher discovers a zero day security problem in Office/Windows/etc that affects almost all their products in the last 10 years, tells MS about it but doesn't wait for them to patch it for N months or whatever time they'd take so they push a working exploit/proof of concept on GitHub before the bug is patched. Will MS shut down the project/repository and/or sue the people behind it using IP/time information from their own logs?

- MS pushes another Windows 10 update that increases tracking, people write programs to work around/disable that and post it on GitHub. MS is arguing that without tracking they cannot determine who is pirating their Windows so they sue the authors. Can they get access to the IPs/times of when the repository was interacted with without a court order? Can they shut down the project on GitHub before waiting for the lawsuit to reach a conclusion?

- MS develops a new DirectX API that allows for many great things and some very hyped AAA games are already in the pipeline to be released to use it, but the catch is the new API requires Windows 11, a new version that costs money to upgrade to, previous Windows owners cannot use it. A Wine developer implements an emulation of the API on GitHub and releases a DLL build for Windows, suddenly all previous Windows users can play those games. What will MS do about that project?

I feel it's pretty easy to imagine lots of situations where there's a conflict of interest between being a neutral Git repository and being a software company so I can't say I'm very happy with MS purchasing it tho I agree with others that it could have been much worse too :)

Here's a today example: there are lots of Windows 10 de-bloaters [1] to remove awful features and telemetry disabling tools [2]. Will these stay up?

[1] https://github.com/W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10 [2] https://github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking