I'm interested now that PowerShell is cross platform. For someone reasonably fluent in bash/zsh (and Python, etc.) already, could someone give examples of where they might use PowerShell?

http://nushell.sh/ is an example of a new (non-POSIX) shell that's trying to be more structured, similar to PowerShell. Thanks to nu's new -c option, it's possible to use nu profitably even if you don't make it your shell. I doubt I'd ever use PowerShell as my system shell on Mac/Linux, but I don't want to close myself off from tools that might be useful for particular tasks or scripts.

The ecosystem of stuff is the first thing that comes to mind. Windows has never been an environment that was well suited for modern automation practices (infrastructure as code).

For instance, it's not straightforward to take a database or XLS document of users and transform that into an Active Directory implementation.

Here is a tool that would help with that: https://github.com/dsccommunity/ActiveDirectoryDsc

Normally you would need to run this on a Windows machine ... but now I am excited at the thought of using it from my mac.

I'm in the middle of doing a rollout of new network infrastructure, VPN, Firewall appliance, Hyper-V hosts, Active Directory, O365 sync, File storage, etc... for small/medium sized business. I am primarily a software/ops consultant, so I like to build infrastructure 'as data' and then use that data to assert the real thing. IE, terraform apply.

tl;dr – with cross platform we're closer to bringing modern ops tools into Windows land which is exciting. WSL is useful when you are on a Win box, but if you are trying to build infra from Linux/macOS you are struggling.

Here is a big list of powershell crap I have starred recently on Github:

- https://github.com/dsccommunity/ActiveDirectoryDsc (linked above)

- https://github.com/rmbolger/Posh-ACME

- https://github.com/DrEmpiricism/Optimize-Offline (not relevant to cross platform)

- https://github.com/W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10 (not relevant to cross platform)