I'm so glad that the FreeRDP client on Linux works really well. It's one of the pieces of software that made transitioning away from Windows much more convenient as I continue to work with Windows systems and sometimes, tools.

The RDP server is one thing I miss from Windows though. On Linux I haven't found anything nearly as good. It's really surprising to me too - given that a good visual remoting tool allows for such ease in cross platform living.

I suppose there are a lot of reasons for this, but primarily I guess that most Unix natives would consider SSH to be good enough.

Options for Wayland are a bit less antiquated. Here’s a couple.

If you are ever using a wlroots based Wayland compositor, then wayvnc becomes an option for RDP. (Note: haven’t personally used this.)


Waypipe offers network transparency to Wayland, where by you can run applications across the network. I believe this should work with roughly any compositor.
