I’m sorry, but most of this is gibberish to me.

How did you learn about all this? Would you be kind enough to go into more depth? I’m curious.

Your comments also gave me my daily reminder of how little I know (in the best way)

No worries! The same sentiment is what keeps me enthusiastic about programming day after day :)

So computer monitors have support for a communication protocol called Display Data Channel which is normally used by the host (Mac, PC) to get info about supported resolutions, frame rates, signal timing etc.

On top of that, a command interface has been created called MCCS or Monitor Control Command Set [1] which allows changing brightness, volume, input and a ton of other aspects of the monitor, by sending specific bytes through the cable. That cable can be HDMI, DisplayPort, Thunderbolt, VGA, DVI. It doesn’t matter, as long as it has dedicated wires to carry the I2C signal.

I2C is the 2-wire communication protocol used by DDC, and it basically defines things like “a pulse of 5V (volts) of x milliseconds followed by 0V of y milliseconds means the 0 bit. The 1 bit is represented by a pulse of 5V of 2x milliseconds”. It’s a bit more complex than that, also defining TCP-like features with data frames and ACK packets, but you get the idea. It’s something that both devices agree on so that they can send raw bytes using 5 volt pulses.

I’ve created Lunar as an adaptive brightness app for macOS after finding out about a little CLI called ddcctl: https://github.com/kfix/ddcctl

That’s where I learned how DDC packets look like, where to place the payload (brightness value between 0 and 100, input ID, etc) and how to write that to the monitor using the macOS I2C APIs.

When Apple Silicon came out, none of that was possible anymore so I had to go looking around kernel assembly and private macOS frameworks for “the Apple Silicon way” of writing data through I2C.

If you’re also curious how I learned that, it’s a very cool domain called “reverse engineering” and I learned it while working as a Malware Researcher at Bitdefender. A bit hard to get started, but so many gems to discover once you know how to open binaries in IDA/Hopper and look around their disassembled code.

[1] https://milek7.pl/ddcbacklight/mccs.pdf