I'm a long time (20+ years) vim user, and neovim doesn't fit my use case. I've tried it, most recently today, to have a look at LSP and treesitter. Treesitter added different syntax colors, but the result wasn't necessarily better than vanilla vim. More like an overly decorated christmas tree. LSP and other "make it into an IDE" I usually turn off after a few minutes, it's more of a hindrance than a help. I mainly code in python and don't care for intellisense.

Other than that, there's 3 real showstoppers for me:

- the obsession with Lua (I personally don't like Lua much, and even to configure treesitter I have to inject little snippets of lua code into my .vimrc). You've got people even trying to rewrite their entire .vimrc in lua, which results in an enormously verbose mess if you ask me. Lua is also what drives the vim and neovim communities further apart.

- they removed gvim (which is what I use in most cases). There is no comparable third party GUI like gvim available. They're all either abandoned, unstable or simply very different with lots of bling and gimmicks.

- neovim feels less stable than vim. It just crashed on me a few minutes ago when I was trying to configure treesitter. I copy pasted the necessary snippet in my .vimrc and neovim crashes until I take it out. In the 20 years I use vim, I don't think I've ever had it crash on me. Neovim seems more of a "move fast & break things" development model, but I write code for a living so I prefer the rock solid stability of vim.

So I'll stay firmly in the vim camp. I appreciate neovim for what it did (kickstart the vim development, which was stagnating at a certain point) but I wished they had re-merged soon after that initial goal was met. Now the communities have split and are drifting ever farther apart. Soon with vimscript9 plugins on one side and lua plugins on the other, the spaghetti will be even harder to untangle.

I'll ignore the other parts I disagree with in this post, since it's cool to have different views but I just wanted to post that it may someday be possible to run vim9script plugins in neovim :)

I'm working on a project that might allow at least 90% or higher compat here: https://github.com/tjdevries/vim9jit

Of course, vim9script isn't complete yet, so the spec isn't all the way done, but it may someday be possible to run them in neovim.

Additionally, if someone actually just wanted to port all the C code to run or has some other way to make vim9script run, neovim is not opposed to making that happen.