How does one go about cracking denuvo? I haven't actually tried before and not much of a gamer, but for some of the regular software I've pretty much been able to just RE it, find the location where the checks are made, and patch it. Then again I haven't really tried with more secure software such as Microsoft office products, photoshop etc.

Remember it's not security, but obfuscation.

Many of these systems are just continuations of anti cracking schemes that go back to the 80s, littering the checks for piracy throughout the software in otherwise unrelated function calls and causing them to be tripped in situations that aren't necessarily the initial bring up.

Modern software like this is more akin to malware than license checks. Many of them will try to detect containerization, virtualization, and tools which might be used to monitor their memory to defeat the checks. Most run with root privileges and will install their own extra malware to try and detect tampering outside of the actual binaries. This is very similar to the detection that are done to try and defeat anti malware scanners. You can get around this by using hardware memory editing devices which are sometimes used to cheat in games without any ability to be detected.

Do you have any recommended resources regarding the mardware memory editing devices you mentioned? Haven't actually heard of those mentioned before, at least not that commonly

The cheats make use of PCIe's ability to perform DMA. One example I found was