Of course, this is just a blog post by a gaming company for their gamer audience, but lots of this stuff is downright dishonest. For example:

> Now, while most players might find the idea of a corrupted Windows installation objectionable, a disturbing number of cheaters have shown themselves to be downright enthusiastic about the opportunity to jump onto some guy’s botnet in exchange for the ability to orbwalk

Kernel mode cheats do not require joining some guy’s botnet or installing a rootkit, even if they use similar techniques. If this claim was true, Riot would have every incentive to publish more detailed analysis in order to deter people from cheating. However, popular cheats aren’t malware, so they can’t do that. Instead, they’ll just stick to vague insinuations.

It’s a lost battle anyway, DMA cheats keep getting better every day. They will inevitably render clientside anticheat obsolete.

> DMA cheats

Oh, thanks for mentioning those! I wasn't keeping track of what's going on with "cheats/anti-cheats" and I've just learned those are finally a thing. The concept was obvious since forever, of course, but I've searched for the phrase and realized it had actually materialized and seem to became fairly mainstream (mass production PCI Express cards, neat!) rather than just a theoretical idea or proof-of-concept hardware.

Check out pcileech. Private hackers are using the FPGA module now. Some anti cheats are proctored these days, they see what you see to eliminate ESP/visual indicators. They’ve only just added mouse/hand aim proctoring (some DMA devices made automatic adjustments to the mouse direction with the help of hacked and custom mice - so you see an enemy left, your hand moves right, the mouse movement is overridden and moves left).

It’s very cool.

Non proctored hacking is totally defeated, the last available bastion is audio hacking (just continuously play beeps where enemies are so even if they’re hiding and not moving, even a proctored session would be able to make use of it).

> Some anti cheats are proctored these days, they see what you see to eliminate ESP/visual indicators

Meh, https://github.com/EngineOwningSoftware/pcileech-webradar