God this is just awful.

If your Open letter needs a FAQ at the end, you might as well start with the FAQ.

I am now reading this letter the third time. I dont hold anything against Puppet or Perforce. But this letter, there is something about this letter, and dare I say whether it was the PR or its CEO who wrote it, really irritates me.

> there is something about this letter

It's the self-importance of a company which I only just realised isn't just a GitHub repo somehow thinking they need to write a letter longer than Kurt Cobain's suicide note to tell me that they got acquired by some other bland-as-fuck open-core company.

All we needed to hear was:

> Hi, I'm the CEO of Puppet. Yeah, that thing you use to do stuff in Chrome with code. Yeah, yeah, we're a company, yup, somehow. Anyway: we're getting acquired by this other company. They're called Perforce. No, you don't know them either. Yeah, they also have some indecipherable enterprise website with some Gartner Quadrant bollocks on it. No, you don't really need to know any of this.

Edit: Fuck, that's Puppeteer. OK, I just have no idea what this company does. Oh well.

How has nobody heard of Perforce. It was the SCM of choice for a lot of companies until git came along. Doesn't Google still use it?

BTW, Perforce's diffing/merging tools [0] are fantastic.

[0] https://www.perforce.com/products/helix-core-apps/merge-diff...

Instead of ranting about how much I am annoyed by this problem, let me just ask: Are there any good diff tools/algorithms that don't consistently freak out when you change the indentation of a block of code? Yes, diff tools like to go by unique/common lines, and yes, those two } are technically the only common line in this chunk, but that is beyond useless when all you did was wrap something in an if/else.

(And yes, P4V tools have "ignore all white space" - which is a great way to produce a completely useless merge result, in my experience. If you can tune out of nonsensical indentation in one side of the comparison, it's at least passable for diffing.)

There are starting to be more code-aware diff tools.


I'm currently trying this out, but I'm not sure if I'll keep using it.