Here's what's been bugging me lately about electron apps. They often take disproportional amounts of ram compared to what they do/have to offer. Common response is that it's not an issue because ram is plentiful and even if my terminal takes 500 mb of ram that's not an issue because I have 8 gb or 16 or whatever. Yes, but if this trend continues soon we'll end up with electron based text editor, music player, terminal, 2 - 3 chat apps, git browser, etc. etc. That starts to quickly add up and I don't feel like buying more ram just because it's cheap. RAM is cheap but so is a trip to the zoo and given the choice I'd rather go to zoo than buy more ram.

Can anyone comment on the relationship between memory usage and the number of windowed instances of Black Screen?

Right now I have 8 terminals open, some tabbed, some not, Sometimes I can have over twice as many. Many of them sit untouched on an Awesome workspace for days ready for me to come back to whenever I need them. This isn't a issue since their memory footprint is almost non-existent on pretty much any machine. Could I get away with this if I had to run an instance of Node + Chromium per terminal window? Is Black Screen one step ahead of me and it'll reuse an already running instance and open up another window? Do I want all my terminal instances to be managed by a single node process? Despite my reservations, still going to give this a go.

On a side note, anyone looking for a slightly more useful shell that is still very lightweight: check out fish: