Push for content-addressing over URLs. To be honest, I don’t know if this would hamper the development of the internet or be a good thing at all, but I would love to see what people would come up with and how it would change the web.

The Web Packaging specifications[1] are surprisingly close to turning URLs into a content-addressed system. Content-addressed networking is all about names for content, after all, which philosophically is a close match for what a URL is, it just so happens that HTTP uses urls to resolve servers that serve the content. But with Web Package, content is signed by the origin, and can be distributed via other means.

One of the primary uses cases for Web Package is to let two users exchange content while offline, perhaps via a usb stick or what not. This isn't part of the specification, but we could begin to imagine sites that have a list of the web packages they have available for download. And we could imagine aggregating those content indexes, and preferring to download from these mirrors over downloads from the origin's servers.

I'm hoping eventually we get a fairly content-addressed network, via urls.

[1] https://github.com/WICG/webpackage