Is there any sort of within-a-page HTTPS "secured" function?

Like how banks have that "only type your password if we show your correct profile picture". Almost like if embedded tweets could be "signed" by twitter in a way that would register in my browser in a graphical way that would not be known to the server itself (ie putting the twitter logo next to a tweet is easily faked). But if content appearing to be from twitter was verified instead, and had my custom chosen avatar next to each showing both my key and twitter's key had signed the text.

Maybe not making sense, if anyone wants to play this back clearer go for it :)

signed web bundles [1] let you package up a page as a fixed resource, distributed with a signature to verify that the content of that page is what the author intended it to be, so a site like twitter that is embedding it can be sure that what they're embedding is always the original resource.

however, this is part of AMP, and so web developers who prefer the "do whatever the fuck you want" aspect of the internet push back against it. the ability to ensure that a web link contains the same content at a future date as it did when it was initially crawled was one of the things we destroyed along with AMP.
