I've been using Emacs for 17 years. I want every change suggested in the article, especially 'redo'. A few additional ones:
- After pressing Alt-X, show a list of recently used commands. Allow moving between them with the up/down keys. Show a docs pane which explains what the command does, how to use it, and has an example. For new users, pre-populate the recently-used commands list with common commands. This is like the auto-complete "intellisense" function that saves me so much time when using JetBrains & VSCode.
- When opening/saving a file and typing the path, automatically show the directory contents and hi-light entries that match the path. Show recently opened files and directories in bold. Scroll the listing with PGUP/PGDN/mouse-wheel. I often use emacs to open log files which contain long unique prefixes which are error-prone to type. Allow using the mouse & arrows keys to select the file.
- Auto-save and auto-format. I love this mode when editing Rust code with CLion. It gives me something I've wanted for a long time: to write code without thinking about formatting. There's probably already some complicated way to get this to work in Emacs. Ideally, emacs would check if appropriate tools (rustfmt) are installed and make it just work automatically.
- Allow using ENTER to add newlines to a search-replace command. I can rarely remember whether it's CTRL-Q, CTRL-J, or both and frequently make mistakes.
- Allow writing Emacs commands in popular languages like Python 3 or JavaScript. Include a tutorial for each supported language. The lisp bigots will be angry about this.
- Create a public issue tracker for emacs, ideally on GitHub. This will let users help each other and participate in setting issue priorities. Include a code of conduct. Do not auto-lock old issues like Flutter Team does. Old issues are findable by search engines. Workarounds and error messages change over time. When issues are unlocked, users will add comments like "The fix now requires change X. Here's the new command that worked for me ..." Locking old issues saves the dev team some effort but destroys a lot of the utility for users.
undo-redo is in emacs-28 now, though not the default behavior.
> Allow writing Emacs commands in popular languages like Python 3 or JavaScript.
For js see https://github.com/emacs-ng/emacs-ng
Integrating additional runtimes into the Emacs core, especially ones that also have a single main thread are likely to be a complete nightmare. There are already insane and undebugable performance issues with things that run on the main graphics event loop or on timers.
If elisp can somehow be made multi-threaded there might be a chance. However, there is SO much elisp code that assumes synchronous ordered execution that will break in subtle and unexpected ways when that restriction is lifted I expect it will take even longer than the transition to lexical scoping (and that is just in the core). I would love to be wrong though.
With respect to Python, the cpython runtime and semantics for redefinition are likely even more nighmareish because it is so easy for classes and instances to become out of sync and you wind up having to restart the whole environment just to clear out the bad state or risk creeping insanity. Also the churn in the Python ecosystem is likely far too high for Emacs to be able to maintain. So there are both technical and process mismatches. You could always run python in a separate process and use message passing though. Work to support LSP certainly paves the way for it, and elpy has fully interop with python as well, so you could use that machinery to operate on buffers in languages beyond python. So if all this is possible why isn't anyone doing it?