A small nitpick as the resvg author: the repo located here https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg I'm not sure why the author linked some random, outdated fork. If you're trying to beat SVG, you should have done a better research.

But yes, SVG is extremely bloated and under-documented. Especially SVG 2. The core resvg codebase is close to 20 KLOC, while the whole package is like 50 KLOC.

On the other hand, resvg is an exception, because it doesn't rely on any system and/or 3rd party libraries. 95% of the code in the final binary was written by one person (me). Not because it was strictly required, but because it was fun. resvg is basically an epitome of RIIR.

Oh, hi!

> A small nitpick as the resvg author: the repo located here https://github.com/RazrFalcon/resvg

Oh, i didn't see this. Thanks for some more correct and real numbers, i will correct them in the article later!

> I'm not sure why the author linked some random, outdated fork.

because it appears way higher up on the google search if you search for "svg rendering library". Sorry i didn't recognize that it's a fork!

Nice work then! I should check it out for SVG rendering and parsing.

How much work would it be to port over the C# SVG→TinyVG converter to Rust based on resvg? Considering that you already have a well done parser compared to mine...