One of their supported storage primitives is CRDT-based, according to [1]. I, for one, am really interested to see how this works in practice. I've been quite excited about CRDTs, but haven't seen enough examples of them in the wild to get a sense of their drawbacks — for instance, how difficult it is to use them to model various processes or data structures.


Do you know of a resource for learning the basics CRDTs that doesn't require a PHD?

The name is intimidating, but the operations are simple.

Basically, your storage has container types ("T"). A list, a set, a dictionary, etc. Container types can be split and added together in a distributed fashion ("R" and "D").

The "C" in CRDT stands for "Convergent and Commutative" to imply your distributed operations can obtain the same value when merged.

Quick example: \nIf you have a node with a key pointing to value (set) [a, b, c] and another node with the same key but different value [c, e, f], then when the nodes communicate, they can do a set union for the actual result of [a, b, c, e, f]. Keys can keep a running log of recent operations to clean up the global result too (like: [c, e, (recently deleted f)], so on merge, if the other list has f, it would be deleted instead of re-added).

Before CRDTs were a thing, Bob made state box and it's very easy to understand. Give the README a read to understand more basics: