If I as an alleged human have learned purely from GPL code would that require code I write to be released under the GPL too?

We should probably start thinking about AI rights at some point. Personally I'll be crediting GPT-3 as any other contributor because it sounds cool but maybe morally too in future

A machine learning isn't really the same as a person learning - people generally can code at a high level without having first read TBs of code, nor can you reasonably expect a person to have memorised GPL code to reproduce it on demand.

What you can expect a person to do is understand the principles behind that GPL code, and write something along the same lines. GitHub Co-Pilot is not a general ai, and it's not touted as one, so we shouldn't be considering whether it really knows code principles, only that it can reliably output code that fits a similar function to what came before, which could reasonably include entire blocks of GPL code.

Well if it is actually straight up outputting blocks of existing code then get it in the bin as a failed attempt to sprinkle AI on development and use this instead
