As someone who went through the complete frontend hype-trains (jquery, backbone, angular, ember, react, all in production): Vue.js 2.0 with single file components is exactly what everyone looks for desperately.
- performance: faster than react now
- learning curve: a few hours from scratch
- getting started: cli-tool for initial scaffold & configuration
- components: simple .vue files with a , and . Super easy to get going, no need for JSX
- "official" packages for routing, ajax and state management. No wasting of days for choosing every tiny package for days
- vuex 2.0 is one of the cleanest flux implementation i've seen in the last year
... and much more. Give it a try with the full webpack template of the cli tool!
I started reading through the docs and found it very similar to Knockout.js. Is here anyone who used both to tell the advantages of Vue?
FYI, I'm thinking about dropping Knockout because some performance problems I'm having with a very specific use-case.
React with MobX, Vue and Knockout all seem very similar. I am wondering if TypeScript is a first class citizen in either MobX or Vue - in my experience seeing TypeScript everywhere in Angular 2 has been one of that platform's biggest wins.