I've been using web components in production for a while now and it's great. Our front end "stack" consists of a single polyfill and Webpack. Use template literals for templating, so you don't even need handlebars/mustache anymore. Webpack lets you write SASS that is compiled directly to CSS and inserted in your shadow DOM with an ES6 import, so no more style sheets for anything but high level page layout. Everything is standards based web components written in vanilla ES6, transpiled for browser compatibility down to IE10.
One major issue we've had though, which wasn't touched in this article, is inter-component communication among siblings. Sure you can just do a global event bus, and that works, but I've yet to see an elegant solution for this yet.
> One major issue we've had though, which wasn't touched in this article, is inter-component communication among siblings. Sure you can just do a global event bus, and that works, but I've yet to see an elegant solution for this yet.
Would Redux potentially be a good fit? It's a "global event bus" kind of thing, but with a pretty clear information flow model and an increasingly large user community. (Both of which are good things, IMHO.)
Event bus is how things often ended up getting done in Angular 1, and definitely not something I'd want to maintain (because you end up with comefrom-hell type of issues).
Redux feels like a step in the right direction conceptually with its centralized state bag, but I feel like it's a bit distracting (since it was primarily conceived to handle serializable actions for a very specific use case), and also doesn't have good patterns out of the box to organize side-effects (sagas kinda do, but people I've worked with are fairly divided on whether it works for them or not)
Recently I've been thinking that a lot of the complexity around React+Redux comes from wanting testable state, but as it turns out, Jest can mock imports making the entire context shenanigans somewhat pointless - just import a global state bag. I've had pretty decent success with just having a naive global state bag, would love to hear about similar approaches
Initially I was wondering why we didn't have a centralised store, but once free from that mindset it allows you to keep observable data locally to where it's needed. Much nicer for encapsulation and separation of concerns.
Far less boilerplate too, as MobX does some very smart usage & dirty checking for you.
mobx-react also provides an @observer class annotation, which ends up working pretty magically - things re-render when they need to.
If anyone's interested, here are some tutorials from the author: https://egghead.io/courses/manage-complex-state-in-react-app...