I was silly enough to sign up without looking in to it because it was recommended on HN. Then I realised they need this bridge software to connect. I asked about it stating I'd like to build it my self and confirm it is libre software. They just sent back a generic link to a .deb beta file. I had a look and its got this eula.txt with the standard you-have-no-rights. Messaged them again asking what they intended to do license-wise and they ignored me. Someone else has written their own bridge and put it on github but it's a bit of a joke to have to do that. Not sure what to move to now, mailbox.org was another I saw recommended.

My email history: - gmail.com > US spying, escape. - lavabit.com > Shutdown due to US government legal attack. - Ran my own server > Too much bother, gave up. - openmailbox.org > Died for months, ran away with my money. - protonmail.com > Sketchy, cancelling it now. - Free mailbox.org with custom domain.

I'm actually kind of surprised to see the only reference to lavabit, in all of the comments, is that it was shutdown. It seems to be back and their server is open source: https://github.com/lavabit/magma although you can pay for their hosted version also: https://lavabit.com