I am not a Rust or C++ fanboy, and I am happy that we are moving towards a future where there are less memory bugs, but… are we really?

- https://www.infoq.com/news/2021/11/rudra-rust-safety/

- https://cve.report/vendor/rust-lang

And you can find online similar links and research on the topic.

All it takes is that you use that specific piece of code at the wrong time, and that’s it: your system which you once believed to be safe is not anymore safe. And you know what? You don’t even know what a sanitizer is, because they told you that Rust is a memory safe language and you don’t need anything else than the rust compiler - this is how I find 99% of today’s articles about Rust.

Sure, today being Rust less used than C/C++ will clearly show less CVEs.

The question is … once it’s in the wild (and by this I mean “major” libs or serious shit done in Rust) how can you prevent such bugs without a runtime sanitizer?

Beware that such CVEs can affect Rust Standard library as well, not just an unknown library.

Again, there is no way of escaping bad programming and bad practices, no matter which language you use. Someone might argue that in Python or Java you can still do bad stuff, however, the likelihood is way lower, especially because most of your Java libraries will very likely be written in Java - unless you know it’s using JNI under the hood etc.

Did you read this bit?

> It could appear that these results undermine the belief that Rust safety model represents an improvement over other languages, e.g. C++, but this would not be correct, say the researchers behind Rudra, who still consider Rust safety a supreme improvement.

They found ~100 security issues in 45k packages. That's clearly better than C++.

I didn’t say it’s not an improvement. I just wonder who will you blame once you have a hacker exploiting that exact CVE which you didn’t know about because they sold you rust as memory safe language, so you didn’t take the time to run any sanitizer or similar.

Does Rust provide a way to check if you’re using unsafe code? What if I want to disable that? If I need to make a mission critical software I need to be aware of what I am deploying. If on the other hand we want Rust to be the new JS for backend, then yes so be it, we improved over c++, well done.

Rust would have prevented about half of the CVEs in C code (I've seen a few different studies with somewhat different results, half is close enough for discussion). The other half is on you to write good code.

Note that the half Rust would prevent tends to be less impactful, still a CVE, but the exploit is less impactful to end users.

If we leave it to the programmer, what are we improving?

We did a big improvement, but why can’t we disable “unsafe”?

That would leave absolutely no margin for such errors.

Rust has a culture where people don't use `unsafe` unless absolutely necessary. That is generally good enough in my experience.

If you want to go further, you can disable unsafe in a crate by adding #[forbid(unsafe)].

And if you need more control than that, there's probably tooling out there that will help depending on what exactly you need.


