Pity. CUDA was/is proof positive that Linux on the desktop is perfectly feasible and that you can use it to both do a UI and do meaningful computation on the same machine without getting tied down into all kinds of licensing schemes. Opening this further up to Windows gives fewer people a really good reason to try out Linux as their daily driver. I personally don't get why any developer would prefer Windows over Linux with its near infinite software repositories related to all things developers would like.

Well, CUDA is about the opposite of open source. It needs special hardware and a closed source driver.

CUDA on Windows was already a big deal in engineering. Scientists and academics preferred Linux (and python, and docker) and Windows is playing catch up there to become compatible with the tools that have grown in popularity over the last 5 years.

Personally, as an open source advocate, I think competition (even from MS) is healthy. It drives everyone to build a better product.

WSL2 and all these features don't have anything to do with open source either. It's basically a shim for communication of two proprietary bits of software on both sides. Fortunately all these graphics and compute shims will never get merged into upstream kernel so they'll be second-class citizens like forever.

Dave Airlie who is maintainer of Linux graphics subsystem will never allow to merge it since it's can only be used for proprietary software.

Is this the wrong repository for what you are referring to, as this appear open source?
