I'm so happy powerful type systems are more popular now. TypeScript bringing a great type system to a language as popular as JS is fantastic. Rust is also a great way to get a great type system while staying in a systems programming and procedural environment. Hell, even python type annotations support union types.

I never knew the depth of type systems until the last year when I took a type theory course and a compiler course taught by a man who loved his types. So much power - I can't wait to see the future of type systems.

The grass does seem tend to appear greener in the other paradigm.

Barely typed languages like C made rigorously typed languages like C++ and Java seem appealing. The boilerplatiness of those languages made duck typing seem appealing. Writing anything nontrivial with duck typing made more elaborate type systems seem appealing.

Needing a PhD in category theory to produce a side effect will no doubt make some other paradigm seem appealing in the future.

You don't need a PhD, you just need the first few chapters of [Category Theory for Programmers](https://github.com/hmemcpy/milewski-ctfp-pdf) :)