Looks great! What is the technology stack behind this, if I may ask?

Thank you, and of course you may.

The backend is written in Java(8) and it is built with the following (noteworthy) components :

  Netty[1] - Extremely fast and stable Java networking framework,
             serves static files and relays traffic 
             (both tasks are custom implementations)

  Guice[2] - IoC container by Google, nice for keeping the code clean

  jOOQ[3] - I log some statistics in PostgreSQL 
            (file size, content type, transfer time - but no filenames). 
            If you're comfortable with SQL jOOQ is a real breeze to use.
The backend is hosted on the cheapest VM option at Digital Ocean (Amsterdam region), (which seems to be holding up pretty well so far :). I do run PostgreSQL on another $5 VM, so the Station307 server only has to worry about serving static content and moving large chunks of bytes around. SSL certificates are kindly provided by Let's Encrypt[4].

For the frontend, I know for a fact it uses left-pad (babel-core)... Written in JavaScript (ES2015 + JSX) and built with :

  Mithril[5] - Fast, small and simple React-like framework, quite a joy to use.

  Bootstrap[6] - Because not having to worry about L&F is quite nice. 
                 Trimmed it down a bit by only importing the parts I needed (SCSS).
And I think that's about it. If there's anything else you'd like to know, let me know!

  [1] http://netty.io
  [2] https://github.com/google/guice
  [3] http://www.jooq.org
  [4] https://letsencrypt.org
  [5] http://mithril.js.org
  [6] https://getbootstrap.com
edit: formatting D: