Gary Bernhardt describes a similar architecture using a "Functional Core, Imperative Shell" in his Boundaries talk[1].
"Purely functional code makes some things easier to understand: because values don't change, you can call functions and know that only their return value matters—they don't change anything outside themselves. But this makes many real-world applications difficult: how do you write to a database, or to the screen?"
"This design has many nice side effects. For example, testing the functional pieces is very easy, and it often naturally allows isolated testing with no test doubles. It also leads to an imperative shell with few conditionals, making reasoning about the program's state over time much easier."
I understand the value of referential transparency and how it makes "certain" things easy, but saying that it automatically makes testing functional code easy is a myth. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
If you want to stick to referential transparency, you can't use dependency injection: you have to pass all the parameters the function needs. None of these can be implicit or belong to a field on the class since that would mean side effects. The `Reader` monad is not dependency injection, it's dependency passing and it comes with a lot of unpleasant effects on your code.
And because of that, functional code is often very tedious to test. Actually, in my experience, there is a clear tension between code that's referentially transparent and code that's easily testable. In practice, you have to pick one, you can't have both.
> I understand the value of referential transparency and how it makes "certain" things easy, but saying that it automatically makes testing functional code easy is a myth. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
> And because of that, functional code is often very tedious to test.
Your argument rests on a fundamentally wrong assumption. Expressions in functional programs do not have to be (and indeed are almost never) referentially transparent. Just consider global or module-level immutable variables. Those function names? Also not referentially transparent. This goes all the way back to free variables in the lambda calculus:
Further, dependency injection is a completely idiotic and broken pattern and IMO the worst thing to come out of object oriented programming. Once you have dynamic scoping (surprise! also not referentially transparent) everything that DI does (and much more) becomes trivial.
My own opinions on the matter aside, I don't fully understand why anyone who likes dynamic scoping would dislike dependency injection.
4k LOC of "lightweight" garbage for... variable lookups?