Just so you don't feel alone with the replies being of the typical variety, I'm 100% with you. The flaws in the "backup token" approach are rehashed constantly but the world keeps turning as though they're irrelevant.

I look forward to hardware tokens reaching a popularity level where we see implementations in software and this conversation can be rendered moot.

Shout out to Mozilla and Dan Stiner for their work so far.

Thanks for the shout-out!

I wrote that U2F implementation in software because I wanted phishing protection without needing to carry a hardware key. Well, and to learn Rust :) It's certainly a security trade-off to just store secrets in your keychain like I choose to, it is not meant to be a replacement for a hardware key and in fact I have a Yubikey I use when the situation calls for it.

I'd love to use TPM and biometrics to implement U2F/WebAuthn on Linux and have a proper, secure solution. Similar to what Apple has done with Touch ID. But that's no easy task. TPM support is poor on Linux and other options like relaying auth requests to your phone for approval and storing secrets in the Secure Enclave is no easier.

> relaying auth requests to your phone for approval and storing secrets in the Secure Enclave

Like the acquired/abandoned https://github.com/kryptco/kr [key stored in a [...] mobile app] with iOS and Android apps all under an "All Rights Reserved"-source license?

Also, newer Macs have a Secure Enclave (supports 256-bit secp256r1 ECC keys):

https://github.com/maxgoedjen/secretive [storing and managing SSH keys in the Secure Enclave [...] or a Smart Card (such as a YubiKey)]

https://github.com/sekey/sekey [Use Touch ID / Secure Enclave for SSH Authentication!]