One thing that's really underappreciated in my opinion is the ability to use the REPL as a general tool for interacting with the system. A lot of devops tasks can be done very conveniently from the REPL.

For example, you can start a Babashka nREPL by running bb --nrepl-server and connect an Clojure editor to it. Then you can do a lot of fun stuff from there. For example, if you have osquery installed, then you can start querying your system for all kinds of stuff, get data back in EDN and manipulate it using standard Clojure functions:

    (require '[ :refer [sh]]
             '[cheshire.core :as json])

    (defn osquery [query]
      (let [{:keys [exit out err]} (sh "osqueryi" "--json" query)]
        (if (zero? exit)
          (json/decode out true)
          (throw (Exception. err)))))

    => (osquery "select * from routes where destination = '::1'")

    => ({:hopcount "0",
         :interface "lo0",
         :mtu "16384",
         :type "local",
         :source "",
         :gateway "::1",
         :netmask "128",
         :flags "2098181",
         :destination "::1",
         :metric "0"})

I find I often just leave a bb nREPL running with Calva connected to it and some scripts to do common system tasks in it.