I recently came across this artice:


Although it describes the issue pertaining to statistics + machine learning, this is also exactly what end ups up happening with a large codebase without clear requirements or test cases, and people just making incremental, piecemeal changes over time. You end up with an application that has been trained (overfitted) with historical data and usecases, but breaks easily for slightly new variations that are different from anything that has ever been handled by the system before in some trivial way that better designed, cleaner, more abstract system would be able to deal with.

Given how much poor coding practices resemble machine learning (albeit in slow motion), it's hard to hold too much hope about what happens when you automate the process.

The problem with the analogy is that for a learning algorithm, there are clear definitions of the model complexity as it relates directly to the outcome being optimized. YAGNI applied to a model is a penalty term for parameters or various methods of regularization.

But when the “goal” of the system is just “arbitrary short term desires of management” you can easily point out the problems, but there is no agreement on what constraints you can use to trade-off against it.

Especially for extensibility, where you can get carried away easily with making a system extensible for future changes, many of which turn out to be wasted effort because you did not end up needing that flexibility anyway, and everything changed after Q2 earnings were announced, etc.

In those cases, it can actually be more effective engineering to “overfit” to just what the management wants right now, and just accept that you have to pay the pain of hacking extensibility in on a case by case basis. This definitely reduces wasted effort from a YAGNI point of view.

The closest thing I could think of to the same idea of “regularizing” software complexity would be Netflix’s ChaosMonkey [0], which is basically like Dropout [1] but for deployed service networks instead of neural networks.

Extending this idea to actual software would be quite cool. Something like the QuickCheck library for Haskell, but which somehow randomly samples extensibility needs and penalizes some notion of how hard the code would be to extend to that case. Not even sure how it would work...

[0]: < https://github.com/Netflix/chaosmonkey >

[1]: < https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dropout_(neural_networks) >