What's funny and sad is that Vulkan may be the one in the long run that helps make macOS (and Linux) relevant longer for games.

Imagine if Apple did support Vulkan natively, all Windows games via Steam Play Beta can be run on macOS easily and with support of eGPU, it would help a lot to make them run better.

All I can realistically hope for is that Apple continues to close the gap between Metal and Vulkan, so projects like Metal on Vulkan (MoltanVK), Proton (Steam Play + dxvk + Wine) can benefit with less work to do.

It'll be interesting to see what Apple does with Metal 3 in the next few years. If they're smart (they haven't been in the last few years with Mac Pro, rMBP keyboard+touchbar, etc), they'd work with the Kronos group.

> projects like Metal on Vulkan (MoltanVK)

It's not Metal on Vulkan, it's the other way around. Also, kind of strange to bring this up when the topic is about gfx-portability progress (which is competing with MoltenVK).

That is correct, my morning brain mixed it up because of writing of MoltanVK started me off on Metal on Vulkan.

I bought it up because of the general topic of Vulkan and Metal, not because of gfx-rs itself. MoltanVK deserves a mention due to Khronos Group sponsoring it.

This is sadly a common misconception, partly due to Khronos messaging. MoltenVK is sponsored by Valve, not Khronos.

Both gfx-rs and MoltenVK are working in Vulkan Portability TSG, and both are promoted by the slides/talks if you read carefully. MoltenVK just gets more attention because it's packed by LunarG and used in Dota2.

I saw MoltenVK under KhronosGroup control here, which led to my confusion once more: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK

And yea, the messaging is confusing because of this line on their site:

> As a first deliverable from the Vulkan Portability Initiative, Khronos members Valve, LunarG, and The Brenwill Workshop have released a collection of free and open source set of tools, SDKs, and runtime libraries to enable Vulkan development on macOS and deployment on macOS and iOS platforms

Source: https://www.khronos.org/vulkan/portability-initiative

That led me to think they’re sponsoring it.

It looks like MoltenVK was created by The Brenwill Workshop.