I am always amazed 7zip hasn't supplanted WinRar and the Rar format.
RAR has some unique built-in characteristics like recovery record (useful when archiving on optical discs, or any other media which can degrade in time) and recovery volumes (which was a life-saver feature in the age of floppy disks).
Just what I was going to ask about. I thought WinRAR had the option to include parity checks / redundancy within the data.
BTW, is there a current... "turnkey" (simple, "clicky"), I guess, *NIX solution for doing that within an archive?
There is this par2cmdline[1] tool which is (as the name suggests) a console program "for creating and using PAR2[2] files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary". GPar2[3] (alpha) is a simple GTK+ GUI for it.
[1] - https://github.com/Parchive/par2cmdline