There seems to be some focus on tiling window managers, but it is not obvious to me (as a user of sway) what benefit this offers over any other terminal emulator.

Perhaps the focus on tiling wms is a justification for not having tabbing/splitting support built in.

Also, given xorg-dev dependency I assume that if one is on wayland, they are better off using alacritty.

If you would like a very silly reason, sometimes I want to copy logs to other devs really quickly from a server, but exporting them to a file and then rsyncing it back is just a bunch of commands and files I don't want to deal with. Because I have alacritty I'll do a cheeky hack and scale the font down to like 2pt, highlight everything and then copy it.

I can copy around 500 lines of logs this way. Quick and dirty.

Other than that IDK.

And about the tabbing and splitting. I got tired of all the terminal emulators I like not supporting it, and some contexts not supporting paging, and not having a nice way to review a long running process, and took the dive to learn tmux.

Tmux. A terrible solution to a bunch of stupid problems. Highly recommend.

Anyone familiar with a less tedious way to set up copy and paste that doesn't require 3 different patterns?

I'm clearly not smart enough to do it without having to think about the process every time

On Mac, you can pipe input into pbcopy to add it to your clipboard.

    cat file.txt | pbcopy
This adds the contents of file.txt to your clipboard.
wl-clipboard [1] provides similar wl-copy & wl-paste for wayland
