See also

PS: Holy crap! For the first time in my 40+ year career I have clicked-thru from a semi-relevant article about Rust on a micro p̵r̵o̵c̵e̵s̵s̵o̵r̵ controller to a reference about the...[RCA] COSMAC VIP (in the form of this dude's effort to get CHIP-8 running on LLVM-MOS). Do you have any idea how many lawns I had to mow to buy one of those? It was a big disappointment (over my ELF and SuperELF) too! ROFL

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I guess when mentioning Rust on Nordic controllers one should also mention these excellent projects

Together with these enable most everything one can do on these controllers form pure Rust (the softdevice is a blob with a C-SDK that's wrapped in rust though)