Maybe somebody has a recommendation on a similar article, but on programming sound? Somehow there's much less material on working with sound (especially low-level details about low-latency realtime sound effects) than on working with images.

Programming sound is hard. Real-time stuff is almost always coded in C or C++ because it needs to be performant and latency is always a consideration. One dropped sample can be heard and you can't afford to delay because things need to feel responsive if they are real-time. There are lots of interesting projects out there but there is also a wealth of creative coding in the area, especially in environments like Max/MSP, PureData who are creating algorithms from scratch inside and possibly porting them out to other code bases. One good project is [1] which is aimed at making C++ coding for audio easier and more accessible. The focus is quite wide and aims at webaudio, VST, faust code etc.
