> Glow works with the Charm Cloud to allow you to store any markdown files in your own private collection.
Why would I want to store my files on someone else’s computer rather than in a git repo on mine?
- You might switch between several computers throughout the day.
- You might believe the cloud folks do better backups than you.
I'm sympathetic to the idea that a company is going to be better at doing backups and maintenance than I am, but for the first point: it sounds like they're using the local machine's SSH key to wrap a symmetric key[1]. Unless you're sharing the same SSH key across all of your machines, this tool probably isn't very useful when switching between computers.
Edit: It looks like they generate their own SSH key instead of using an already present one[2]. So you'd presumably need to copy that to each machine that you'd want to use so that it can unwrap the real (cloud-stored) decryption key.
[1]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/charm#how-it-works
[2]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/charm/blob/master/keygen/ke...
Hi! I'm one of the Charm co-founders.
We actually issue a new Charm specific SSH key for you. We then allow you to link machines together with our `charm` account utility. The symmetric keys used to encrypt data are encrypted for each public key linked to your account so you can access your data from multiple machines.
Just out of curiosity: have you seen or considered age[1] for the symmetric pair? I've used it on a few projects where cryptographic flexibility wasn't necessary.