One benefit of radical go-style simplicity that I haven't seen discussed much is that it forces you to focus on the task at hand. Like, you know that your code will look like shit anyway so it is pointless to fuss too much over it. Whereas many programmers using a more "clever" language like haskell will spend a lot of time trying to make code more readable, searching for the right abstraction, arguing whether something is a monad or some other gizmo. Most of it is wasted intellectual effort.

Everything in moderation of course. For me personally simplicity of go is too much and I don't feel comfortable writing it.

Is the much touted "Make invalid states unrepresentable" consequence of garden-variety Sum Types wasted effort? Seems very good bang-for-mental-buck to me.

Joe Doffy argued, in my view persuasively, that Go missed an crucial opportunity by not requiring that users actually do something with returned error codes.

> It’s surprising to me that Go made unused imports an error, and yet missed this far more critical one. So close!

Result/Option/Maybe types force unwrapping, which makes ignored return codes auditable and allows you to manage technical debt.

This doesn't speak to Go's simplicity so much as it does to Go's conservatism. Having the Go standard library use sum types, establishing a precedent and a culture, would be no more complex in the absolute, but would have been more of a stretch for its initial target user base.

The errcheck linter is very popular for checking that you looked at every error return:

I use it in most of my open source projects.