I have said it before here when people have discussed packaging up Vim stuff, and I stick by it: I really don't see this taking off.

Switching to using this does not appeal to me, an existing Vim user, and I think I am not an exception. If this does something new that I like I'll gladly throw that part into my setup, but there really isn't any reason at all that I can see for wanting to use this.

I don't think this is good for new Vim users either. If you are new to Vim there already is no shortage of things to learn (I think GVim steps up in this role nicely). Throwing more things into the mix isn't going to help a thing. And as you (slowly) pick up more and more of stock Vim, you are going to naturally build up your own setup. Before you know it you'll be at the same point that I think existing users are generally at.

This all said, I'm also a zsh user who cannot fathom why oh-my-zsh is popular...

Have you looked at prezto[1]? It encourages forking and in-place editing strongly, and everything is a module.
