I have this in my `.zshrc` on my personal machine. I get a kick out of it:


function command_not_found_handler() { figlet "lol, $1" }


(I think the bash equivalent is `command_not_found_handle`).

This overrides the function that usually prints the `zsh: command not found: foo` message, and instead, mocks you, by printing "lol, foo" (but in big ol' figlet letters).

SL is in a similar, but admittedly much more elaborate, spirit.

I've been using prezto[0] for a long time so I'm not sure anymore if this is integrated in zsh, but at least using prezto I get this when I run a wrong command:

  > claer
  zsh: correct 'claer' to 'clear' [nyae]? n
  zsh: command not found: claer
I am guilty of not reading the docs, but I learnt by experience that n/y/a/e stands for no (run without correction)/yes (correct)/abort (don't run)/edit (manually/interactively)

[0] https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto