I once tried to migrate from VS Code to Neovim. I use TypeScript at work, and use many languages for my side projects.
But the worst part was making Vim provide with things that you'd expect programming editors to have. So many options, what's best is up to opinion, integrating language servers, getting intellisense to work as you would expect, searching the project folder for file names.
Then I realized that all I'm trying to do is make Neovim behave like VS Code with the extra addition of keyboard navigation, which I can get behind. But at my current career level I'd rather spent those 5-10 hours configuring an editor in learning more about .
I mean, just another Vim introduction when you already have the free options (vimtutor etc.) and FEM's "Vim Fundamentals" won't fix my pains with getting it to work as I'm expecting it to work.
I highly recommend this if you know vim keybindings and want an IDE experience.