I'm convinced that documentation, even for large companies, should just be an Obsidian vault of markdown files maintained via git which is just rendered on the web either using a simple static site generator or using Obsidian Publish. When I brought this up at my last company it got dismissed as being 'too technical'.
I know git can be tricky but it cannot be that difficult to teach people from non technical departments add, commit and push and then show maybe one person from each department how to solve conflicts. Alternatively, build non technical people a web interface for editing and committing but allow the devs to just use git as standard. Or there's Obsidian's built in sync but I don't know enough about it to know if it scales well in large organisations.
What absolutely is definitely not the solution is Confluence. I have not met anyone who has a positive thing to say about it. The only reason it is being so widely used is because it satisfies whoever is in charge of the finances because it comes bundled with Bitbucket and Jira.
> I'm convinced that documentation, even for large companies, should just be an Obsidian vault of markdown files maintained via git
I had the same concern, internal documentation should be in a portable format... and I managed to mostly successfully get us to change to MD text files in a git repo.
I, and others, were tired of it being locked up in proprietary platforms like google docs - which ironically has terrible search capability and is horribly slow. Some of the devs already wrote documentation in markdown and plain text along side code (Also I hear talking about yourself in the 3rd person is the first sign of madness). So a git backed wiki in text files was what I wanted. But it also needed to generate commits from the front end for the less technical, and preferably needed oauth to delegate access control to some other system.
"Golumn" filled this space first I believe, but doesn't (or didn't at the time) have the commit or oauth capability. So I settled on a fork "Jingo" which does. I'm not completely wedded to Jingo, which is a nodejs app, I haven't dug too deeply into it and so my confidence in it is unknown... but this is effectively data driven design, md text files in git... the code (which is not part of the same repo) is disposable.
I set this up 3 years ago and haven't touched it at all. This has been mostly successful gaining more traction over time. People who have no clue how to use git are generating gits commits on a daily basis through the front end - others are using the repo directly. Google docs still has it's place for arbitrary word type stuff, but most internal internal reference type material now gets put into the wiki as a preference, since it's way more searchable, and orders of magnitude faster to access.
To be clear, i'm in a small company where it's easier to change or try things like this.
I also got the same expected pushback, concern over MD being too limited compared to google docs and the solution being too technical. but if you can just convince people to trial it for long enough with an exit plan, they will usually obtain a more balanced view weighing the tangible benefits more highly and weighing the negatives or concerns less after actually experiencing it... in this case most people realise that all the bells and whistles of google docs are not critical, and the benefits of the searchability, speed and portability are huge.