I read the article. Still no idea what Nim is good for and why it's better than some other language.. and for which use cases?

A year ago I've started experimenting with Nim as a "faster Python" — put some declarations, change some keywords and you're ready to go — your "compiled Python" is now ~30x faster.

Recently I've used Nim for the first time for an official project at my job (at university). Instead of doing a simulation with Python+Numpy, I've decided to do it with Nim, and just plot the results with matplotlib. The whole experience was very pleasant.

Speaking of interoperability with Python, there is a great Nim library called Nimpy [0], which makes possible to use Nim as a more pleasant Cython — you can keep writing Python, and just use Nim for the intensive/slow stuff.

[0] https://github.com/yglukhov/nimpy